Ninety years in business is quite a feat for any business, but, especially a business literally rooted in farming. So, I was really honored recently to be asked to illustrate and design a commemorative 90th anniversary logo and brochure for the best selling brand of pickles, peppers and relishes in US grocery stores. Founded in 1926, Mount Olive Pickle Company was created to make a market for local farmers with the hope of benefitting the local economy. After 90 years and a record 150 million jars produced, I would say they were, and continue to be, successful on all counts.
It’s always satisfying and fun to work on projects benefitting children’s life and education, and this little fire safety book for local, award winning, children’s museum, EdVenture, is no exception. EdVenture Art Director and Designer, Kerry Johnston, always trusts my abilities and creative instincts, so, I had a blast giving life to some of their core brand characters, while creating some new art to help children, and adults alike, take away lasting memories of key facts crucial to driving home the all important message of fire safety. Every attendee leaving the museum’s interactive fire safety exhibit goes home with their own fire safety booklet full of great information and fun games.
In this case, knowing that a program that you worked on more than likely could save a life, a child’s life, is more than gratifying. Working with the award winning marketing department at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, and their Creative Services Director, Tim Floyd, I was able to bring to life an idea based on the concept that all nurses and hospital staff are really Super Heroes to their young patients. I came up with the name ‘HACkenkoff” to represent the evil villain of Hospitals everywhere and ”Hospital Aquired Conditions,” known simply as ”HACs.” I also had the honor of creating an accompanying animation.
These two poster illustrations, functioning as infographics, were to illustrate Verifone's lead in digital payment systems around the world. The challenge was to highlight many different complex facts and figures, all within specific themes, all while making those same facts and figures clear, understandable, and powerful. I had the pleasure of working with Art Director, Bryan Nixon at Frederick Swanston, Atlanta.
Paul Cottrell at 42Foot Interactive, hired me to illustrate, design, and even animate hundreds of assets for six popular Cartoon Network online games. The Powerpuff Girls and Teen Titans Go! animated series had been recently updated visually, so, they needed a refresh of all the corresponding games to match. A very tall order in a fairly short period of time, but, in the end, pulled off gracefully under the programming prowess and leadership of Paul and the team at CN. (Cartoon Network Go!)
Mighty Auto Parts is the largest and fastest growing auto parts distributer in the USA. I’ve had the joy and pleasure of working with Joe and Sylvia Scibetta at Agency South in Atlanta for many years on many marketing and advertising projects for Mighty. From Nascar apparel and gifts, to book illustration, to advertising and packaging illustration. A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to fully illustrate a Mighty ”Play Book” for shop owners and auto technicians. As always, I was given great direction and inspiration from Joe, and had a blast breathing visual life into a highly technical and informative subject matter.
The ongoing ad series, ”On The Line” is nationally recognized and award winning, and can be seen regularly in national auto magazines, like Motor Age and Motor Week. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Joe Scibetta at Agency South on these tasty gems for over 30 years. ”Mighty” fun!
When I was approached by Colleen Colletta of Blue Avenue Design to illustrate an educational coloring book for the South Carolina Department of Transportation, I thought “Awesome!” Little did I know then how interesting, fascinating, and informative the project would be. I’ve lived in South Carolina for a good while now, but had no idea how many little known gems of fun facts there are about this little state. Thanks to writer, Tom Poland, for unearthing and sharing so many of these great nuggets and opening my eyes to what a great state I live in. SC Proud!
Sonoco is a global packaging manufacturer and services provider. Carolyn D. Johnson contacted me recently to help illustrate their many products and categories of products for their upcoming annual report. It was quite a challenge with a very tight deadline, but, Carolyn was easy to work with, and, in the end, the illustrations were a big hit. (Even to the point where they were included in the cover design!) Working digitally was a huge advantage and helped to not only meet the deadline, but, enabled Carolyn to easily integrate the illustrations into her final design. Paper? Plastic? Yes!
”The Lonely Parrot” is an independent children’s story book written by animal and parrot advocate, Lisa Kelley Schindler. I had great fun learning about parrots and getting to illustrate an important and engaging story based on her own exerience. I also had the pleasure to see it selected as a medal winner for “Best Children’s Illustrated E-Book” by the Independent Publishers Book Awards. Cool!
A Chicago based marketing agency needed to pitch an innovative idea to major retailers, and called on AkinsTudio to help them sell the concept of individual, custom designed tees, created online by the recipient of a uniquely packaged gift card. Targeted both towards young men and young women. All design and illustration, Charles Akins.
